Life [The Good, The Bad & The Ugly]
All of which are necessary to keep life interesting!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Some of my recent Creativity!

Halloween Pics!

Ok, so this is it...Halloween o6! It turned out to be alot more entertaining than I expected, and you know me, I have to be entertained or I get bored. Lucky for me my cousin Amy, aka the RED M&M, is just as crazy as me and therefore extremely entertaining! It all started when her devil costume turned out to be too small for her. She tried cutting the toes out of her red panty hose to make them fit...or at least so the crotch was no longer at her knees, but that failed miserably. So, it was me to the rescue, remembering the M&M costumes my sister and I wore one year at St. F.X. for Halloween! Everything was going great until someone

Sorry about this one Amy, but I had to add it. I just think it's my favorite picture in the whole world!
And of course, I had to add this pic of Frankie as a hotdog. Mom and I made the costume and it was a big hit. I took her to all her usual spots down town, and she actually kept the costume on for like 5 hours. She was a huge hit with the trick or treaters too. All the kids were like, "I get it, it's a weiner dog with a hot dog costume"
So, all in all, Halloween was great this year!