All of which are necessary to keep life interesting!
A Few of my Favorite Things
Last Saturday, after the hang-over from Jubilee wore off, Missy and I decided to take off to Truro to go to the Scrapbooking store. We decided that since it was an hours drive each way we would actually find some other things to do as well (just an excuse, we really just wanted to go to the scrapbook store). Anyway, we realized while at the scrapbook store that it's not so easy to just blow our money on scrapbook stuff anymore. The only reason being that we both
work in different stores! Now if we go to a store and see something we like we're just kinda like "ah, lets wait and see if we can get it in at our own store!" Either way, we still managed to spend some money. We both bought the small Heidi Swapp flower centers! Can't wait to use them.
After that, we decided to take a look at a bridal shop down the road to look at wedding dresses for Missy. We did find a really nice one, but the woman that worked in there must have had a tiara stuck up her ass because she was no help at
all, and Missy is even thinking about not going back there to look for a dress. I mean come on, if you are going to be spending $1200 on a dress you'd think the woman would have been a little more accommodating! It didn't take us long to take off from that place, and then we went to the mall. This is when the best buys of the day were found. I decided to try out some new make-up, and I'm sooooooooooo glad I did! It's definitly some of my new favorite stuff; LashExact by Covergirl, and Vinyl Lip by Rimmel London in Eastend Snob. There is nothing worse
than trying something and totally regretting it, but if you don't try it, you'll never know. I also decided to check out Coles in the mall to see if they carried my current favorite book, My Horizontal Life: a collection of one night stands, by Chelsea Handler. And, to my suprise they had one copy left. I borrowed the book from a friend, Nikki, a few months ago, and laughed my ass off while reading it. Seriously, she tells her stories about picking up, and she is a comedian, so as if the stories aren't funny enough, she makes them sound "fall on the floor laughing" funny! I didn't own the book for 5 minutes before it was in my sisters hands and I haven't seen it since. Hope you are enjoying it as much as I did Missy!This led us to our last stop in Truro for the day, at the Dollarama! I love it! We got there and we were just kinda browsing around when we came across one pack of black ribbon that looked exactly like American Craft. Of course, there were only two left and Missy and I snatched them up right away. When we got to the checkout the woman told us that there were lots more colors but they sold out already, and they had only put it out at 6:00 pm the night before. Well, Missy
and I looked at each other with the same mischievous look on our faces...Dollarama back home! It was a mission. We practially ran out of the mall in Truro jumped into the car and started on the hour drive home to try to get the ribbon there before it was too late. The drive took only about 40 minutes instead of an hour, but we made it, and, we cleaned them out of ribbon. It was just sitting there waiting for us. Two left of each color, just calling out "Melissa, Melanie we were waiting for you!" Perfect! What an end to a great day, and I think Missy would agree! Simple things make me too happy ;)
So, I innocently picked up a book Melissa was reading. I just like to see what she's into every once and a that we can actually carry on a conversation.
Much to my surprise ...she is apparently reading "girl-porn." So, of course I read on.
Suffice to say that this girls seems to be a booze swilling, pill popping, burlesque show on legs. After reading a paragraph I wanted a shower...with bleach. Gross.
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