Jen's Birthday Party! (Brace yourself, this could take a while!)
Yesterday afternoon, when Amy got into town, she called and asked if I wanted to meet them at the beach for a while before we got together to go uptown. I was pumped, and said I would meet them there because I wanted to finish making a birthday bag, and card to go with Jen's present. After I was done I decided I needed some food in my stomach, just trying to be prepared for a long night of drinking. So I set the present on the table and headed for Subway. After I ate and was getting ready to go to the beach I realized Jen's present was gone. There could only be one shithead in the house to steal the present, Frankie, and sure enough, I looked under the couch (her favorite hiding place) and there was Jen's present, the bag and the card I had made, chewed to bits. I was not impressed to say the least! Instead of relaxin at the beach before the party I ended up having to remake the card and the bag before the party :(
Amy, Jen, and Brooke picked me up at about 6:30. From there is was off to get Ange, then the liquor store. We decided on Cosmos, Chocolate martinis, grasshoppers and peppermint paddies! Next obvious stop, Sobeys, we needed mix! While paying for the liquor though Amy realized that in her rush out of the house she grabbed the wrong ID and we were going to have to go back and get it! Just a little side adventure, no big deal, and completely normal when it comes to us planning a night out! So, back to Amy's, the back to Subway for Amy and Jen, the off to NG. We also had to make a stop at Walmart, I couldn't find my Twister game so we had to stop and buy a new one. So, Jen stops outside of Walmart and 4 of the 5 of us pile out the car and head in to the store. Not without a smartass comment from some stranger about how many hot girls can fit in a neon, just 5? Anyway, got the game and finally made it to Jen's sister Jill's by about 8:30. Two hours after leaving the house, not too bad! We started off first with a little cake for Jen. Then got right into a drinking game "F**k the dealer" and of course Jen was the dealer! So, by the time Amy and I were on our third cosmo Jen was somewhere around 8 or 9!
This just got her in the mood for a little Twister! I opted out of Twister since I was wearing a dress and was the official spinner instead, and photographer! This is the only pic I thought was appropriate to put on the page. For some reason, during the entire two games everyone had their asses in my direction and it didn't make for the most flattering pics! Champion of game number one...Jen the birthday girl!, and game number two...Amy, but it was a close on between her and Jill! We also found out during the second game that it is impossible to play Twister while drinking a beer. It makes it difficult when you are suppose to have left hand yellow and right hand green!
Now, I'm still not quite sure how the next few pics got started but I think they are some of the funniest of the night. For some reason all the girls laid on the bed with our heads together trying to get pics of ourselves. In the first one you can kinda see 2 arms in the air, Amy's and Brooke's, I don't know why you can't see mine considering I actually took this one, we all had our own cameras trying to get the pics. At one point Amy and I were stuck there because her earring ended up getting tangled up in my hair!
This one happened because Amy, Jen and I were laughing to hard to get up, so of course I had to snap another one!
By this point everyone was obviously feeling pretty good...But not as good as Jen! We had switched from drinking Cosmos to drinking grasshoppers, and that was only because we ran out of Cherry Brandy! Jen thought it was time to show off some of her acrobatics! (the pic below). Later Jill joined in and well lets just say it led to some hilarious pics of the two of them attempting hand stands...Maybe?
Amy, Jen and I just got bored of regular pics of the three of us so we decided to do something different!
Finally, 1:00 am, and we make it the the bar! Straight to the bar for Jen's first shooter of the night, tequila, of course! After that we completely lost track of how many she had. The three of use had porn stars a little later, but there were so many times we would lose Jen, the social butterfly she is, and find her once again, at the bar doing shooters with someone different!
Just a group pic of the girls at the bar!Thanks to the bartender who took it for us!
And then it was finally time to get our groove on. We mainly stayed on the dance floor the rest of the night, with the exception of going to find Jen at the bar every now and then. Good times, and there was a DJ instead of a live band so it worked out even better for us, much better dance music!
3:00 am, and Jen is still on the go, but myself, Amy and Brooke were exhausted, and our feet were starting to get a little sore from all the dancing, and they had just called last call. Now, just to find Jen and convince her it was time to go home. Not such an easy challenge. Amy laid down the law and gave her 5 minutes to say good-bye to everyone before we left. Lucky for us, before I left to go out Mom offered to pick us up after the bar and drive us all home! So, where is the only place to be at about 3:30 in the morning on a Saturday night? Acropole of course. We walked up there to meet Mom, we went in, got a few slices, and then sat on the curb to eat and wait! By the time we dropped everyone off, with breakfast plans already made, Mom and I finally got home at 5:00 this morning.
Got a few hours sleep, got up, and got the heartbreaking news that my little shithead decided my favorite shoes tasted good and she had field day on one of them :( What will I do with her? Anyway, we all made it for breakfast today, some of us in better shape than others.....Jen! Breakfast at Sharon's fixed her up though.
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