Life [The Good, The Bad & The Ugly]
All of which are necessary to keep life interesting!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Some of my recent Creativity!

Halloween Pics!

Ok, so this is it...Halloween o6! It turned out to be alot more entertaining than I expected, and you know me, I have to be entertained or I get bored. Lucky for me my cousin Amy, aka the RED M&M, is just as crazy as me and therefore extremely entertaining! It all started when her devil costume turned out to be too small for her. She tried cutting the toes out of her red panty hose to make them fit...or at least so the crotch was no longer at her knees, but that failed miserably. So, it was me to the rescue, remembering the M&M costumes my sister and I wore one year at St. F.X. for Halloween! Everything was going great until someone

Sorry about this one Amy, but I had to add it. I just think it's my favorite picture in the whole world!
And of course, I had to add this pic of Frankie as a hotdog. Mom and I made the costume and it was a big hit. I took her to all her usual spots down town, and she actually kept the costume on for like 5 hours. She was a huge hit with the trick or treaters too. All the kids were like, "I get it, it's a weiner dog with a hot dog costume"
So, all in all, Halloween was great this year!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Grey's Anatomy, Dancing with the Stars, Lost...where do I begin?

On to Dancing with the Stars! (I can't get the damn pics to upload, but I guess I don't really need them anyway) There is only one person to start with when it comes to this show...Sara Evans BOOOOOO! She is horrible, and is the most annoying person on the show. She's all like "I'm not as innocent as I look" and, "I'm gonna let go and show everyone the real me" News flash...we are seeing the real you, and its pretty damn boring. I think her idea of being bad is 2 glasses of wine and kissing a guy on the cheek on the first date! Other than her, I like everyone else, Mario is starting to annoy me a little bit, but I can deal for now. I think my favorite couple is the Joey couple! They are great together, and he genuinely seems like he wants to do good. Even Jerry is doing pretty good, I'd say let him learn the one other dance for his daughters wedding then give him the boot...for his own good, but he is actually putting in an effort; unlike Master P last season. Oh, and I did feel bad for Ashley and Harry last week because he was working really hard, he still looked pretty stiff, but he was working hard, and I think improving!
Ok, the Amazing Race...It is hilarious this season...they have the most sterotypical teams ever this season...the couple from Kentucky, "I don't know how to start them there new vehicles" Get that man a horse, for god's sake! Tom and Terry, I love them, they are awesome, the beauty queens are doing good, I'm impressed. But, thank god the cheerleaders are gone, I couldn't take the cheering in the cabs, in the planes, driving down the road...shut up already! I'm holding out for the moms to win it...unlikely, but it would be nice
The Bachelor Rome...a prince who needs a TV show to find him a wife....Nuff said!
Lost...I just made bets about predictions for the show with Missy and Bevan, so I can't make any comments until after the first episode cause Bevan will steal all my ideas! hahahaha! I can't wait for the season premiere tonight!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Never Under-estimate the Power of Stupid People in Large Groups!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
The Aftermath of Hurricane Frankie
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I know, I know, I'm lazy...Time to play Catch Up!
Ok, where to start...I guess with going to the Pressroom on a Thursday night (as usual), and Kelly MacDonald was there. I haven't seen Kelly in a while, and found out that she just came home from out west and is going to spend some time on the cruise ships. Talking to her that night, we realized that we have hit, what we affectionately like to call it, "our quarter life crisis!" This is because a good majority of our friends, like I said before, are either getting married, having babies, or both, and Kelly and I are no where near that point. We don't even have real jobs yet! Anyway, this all took place the night before I was going wedding dress shopping with my sister, which was the day before my best friends wedding. It made for somewhat of a depressing weekend, fun, but just exaggerating the whole "quarter life crisis" thing!
Anyway, the wedding dress shopping thing went pretty well (no one with obvious tiara's up their ass!. I think everyone going had a different outlook on how it would play out, but it was good. Missy went with one style in mind, and came out wanting something completely different. There was the worry that we wouldn't find anything that suited Missy's taste, but instead we finished the day trying to decided between 2 dresses of the 6 she loved (Oh, and by the way Bevan, just so you know it's pink with lots of lace and pearls!). We also found a few different options for bridesmaids dresses. The one I personally loved isn't exactly suited for the wedding. I say I love it, and I do, but more as something I would wear to other peoples weddings...I don't so much love it as a bridesmaid dress. But it was amazing. The one we liked for the wedding was perfect, and it incorporates the brown and blue for the wedding. So, it was a very productive day. Now to prepare for the next one. Chris's wedding!

The day was amazing, I don't think I ever seen two other people in my life so in love. It was the first time I ever watched one of my friends get married, and not just any friend, the friend who signed a contract with me, God knows how many years ago, stating that if we weren't married by the time we were 28 we would marry each other. Needless to say it was a tear jerker! LOL! It was a good day though...Everything looked amazing, and of course the party was good. Brooke and I decided to smuggle in some of our own liquor and sneak off to the bathroom to put it in our drinks (because we needed more alcohol at this point)!

Obviously, we were already pretty intoxicated! Beyond Ash played and we danced all night. By the time is was time to go home none of us thought we were ready yet, so Kelly called her dad to bring "the paddy wagon" to come pick us up and go back to drink on the beach for a while. Once again too drunk...I sat in the back of the van, oh sorry, paddy wagon, and didn't pay attention to where we were going. We got there realized it was too dark to go to the beach so we had a few drinks at the house, and then I called my Dad to come get us at Kelly's Dad's house. This is where it gets good...I wasn't paying attention on the drive out there, so I didn't realize that we went in the opposite direction to where I thought Kelly's Dad lived. It turns out that in the year I was gone Kelly's Dad built a new place so my Dad waited at the wrong house for a while then finally called Mom, slightly ticked, asking where I was. By this time I had figured it out and called her to fill her in! I know, I know, I'm an idiot! But it made for an interesting story, which is all that counts!
This Saturday past we had a card work shop at the store. Mindy decided it would be fun to teach a group of women 10 different cards. Boy, was she wrong. Not about having fun on the actual day of the work shop, but the days leading up to it were slightly more than crazy! We didn't consider that it was us who would have to get all the pieces of the cards cut out for this class that a total of 28 women had signed up for. And, on top of all that Mindy planned a BB-Q at her house after ward....Mindy is slightly crazy, the reason I fit in at the store! Anyway, it came to a point that we were both either taking stuff home, or staying late at the store to get everything cut out for the day. On top of it all, on Wed, just before the workshop while we were dwelling on cutting out cardstock we got a shipment of stock in at the store, and not just any shipment...It was the mother load...27 boxes of product to be put on the shelves before Sat! Somehow we made it through!

This is the day of the work shop, looking very fancy in our new cropping aprons from Making Memories! Mindy is in the middle, Lynn (I know you love this pic) is drinking the water, and Kim Prince (an amazing member of our design team) is in the white on the left, not wanting to be in the picture...Sorry, I had to do it. Kim is also the designer of this card, which I love so very much!

She's so good! It was a thank-you card for a CD I made for her a few weeks before! LOVE IT! Thanks again!
Now that you are probably going crazy from reading this, I thought I'd give those of you who know about my blog a sneak peak at the first 4 pages of the powerscrap I'm teaching in Oct. I'll post the other 2 once I finish them (another day or so!) Hope you like them.

Sunday, August 13, 2006
Here fishy fishy fishy
What a day! We left the house at about 1:00 to go down town and watch the re-enactment of the landing of the ship Hector. It was pretty cool, even though I think I've seen it like 10 times now! It was nice to see the ship out in the harbour instead of docked at the museum!
Then we decided to head out of the harbour and give mackerel fishing a try. It was awesome! I, alone, caught about 80 mackerel. They were all pretty small, and we only kept about 6, just enough for supper. But it was still fun. Once again, there ended up being 5 boats tied together, all fishing, but I caught the most! Of course the clouds had to start rolling in, and then the thunder and lightening started and everyone headed back in pretty quick. Except us! We just changed spots. I wasn't ready to go home yet!
So, this was raincoat or pants, but I did find this beach bag hanging in the wheel house and thought it would be perfect to keep me a little dry, so away I went again, with the bag on my head! You can see in the last picture why I just couldn't get enough, there are 6 mackerel on the line in that pic! Even Frankie had a fun day chasing the flipping mackerel all over the deck, nipping at theirs tails and barking at them. She didn't know what to think at first, but once she got a little more comfortable she actually started trying to pick them up!
Ahhhhh, just finished supper, and there is nothing better than catching your own supper! Especially when it's mackerel...mmmmmmmmmmm!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
A Few of my Favorite Things
Last Saturday, after the hang-over from Jubilee wore off, Missy and I decided to take off to Truro to go to the Scrapbooking store. We decided that since it was an hours drive each way we would actually find some other things to do as well (just an excuse, we really just wanted to go to the scrapbook store). Anyway, we realized while at the scrapbook store that it's not so easy to just blow our money on scrapbook stuff anymore. The only reason being that we both

After that, we decided to take a look at a bridal shop down the road to look at wedding dresses for Missy. We did find a really nice one, but the woman that worked in there must have had a tiara stuck up her ass because she was no help at

This led us to our last stop in Truro for the day, at the Dollarama! I love it! We got there and we were just kinda browsing around when we came across one pack of black ribbon that looked exactly like American Craft. Of course, there were only two left and Missy and I snatched them up right away. When we got to the checkout the woman told us that there were lots more colors but they sold out already, and they had only put it out at 6:00 pm the night before. Well, Missy